Compressed Sparse Matrices ========================== .. py:module:: csr The :py:class:`CSR` class is the entry point for pure Python code to work with the CSR package. .. autoclass:: CSR Constructing Matrices --------------------- In addition to the CSR constructor, there are several utility methods for constructing sparse matrices. .. automethod:: CSR.from_coo .. automethod:: CSR.empty Constructing from Numba ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Numba does not provide access to CSR's class methods; instead, use the creation functions (these also work from pure Python): .. autofunction:: create .. autofunction:: create_novalues .. autofunction:: create_empty .. autofunction:: create_from_sizes Accessing Rows -------------- The CSR data itself is exposed through attributes. There are also several methods to extract row data in a more convenient form. .. automethod:: CSR.row_extent .. automethod:: CSR.row_cs .. automethod:: CSR.row_vs .. automethod:: CSR.row Transforming and Manipulating Matrices -------------------------------------- .. automethod:: CSR.copy .. automethod:: CSR.subset_rows .. automethod:: CSR.filter_nnzs .. automethod:: CSR.transpose .. automethod:: CSR.normalize_rows .. automethod:: CSR.drop_values .. automethod:: CSR.fill_values Arithmetic ---------- CSRs do not yet support the full suite of SciPy/NumPy matrix operations, but they do support multiplications: .. automethod:: CSR.mult_vec .. automethod:: CSR.multiply SciPy Integration ----------------- CSR matrices can be converted to and from SciPy sparse matrices (in any layout): .. automethod:: CSR.from_scipy .. automethod:: CSR.to_scipy